Access to data

We are excited for people to make use of our data and welcome researchers to contact us to gain access to this wealth of information.
You may be given access to SWEOLD data under the following conditions:

Applicants must have a scientific affiliation and have to sign a statement confirming that the data will, under no circumstances, be used for anything other than purely scientific purposes.

Applicable sections of The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) principles for conducting research in humanities and the social sciences must be adhered to.

Any project wishing to use SWEOLD data must have ethical approval.

Data will only be made available after the above-mentioned documents have been received, by e-mail at the SWEOLD Research Data Center

Data users are not allowed to make copies of the data available to others and/or allow any third party access to the database. Anyone wanting to use the data must contact the SWEOLD Research Data Center directly to request a personal copy. Access to the SWEOLD data will only be granted on an individual basis and is not transferable. Each individual working on a scientific project and/or publication using SWEOLD data has to fill out and sign the statement concerning the use of SWEOLD data.

Photographer: Sofia Peterberg Åden

Users are requested to provide references for all papers written based on SWEOLD data to the SWEOLD survey at Aging Research Center (ARC), Karolinska Institutet/Stockholm University.

Users of the data will be included in the list of users of the SWEOLD project. By signing the user statement users agree to be sent updates on the data via e-mail.

If there is a question over the scientific validity of the way in which the data has been used, the Project Lead of SWEOLD will decide whether or not legal action will be taken.